Quick Interview with Igor Sharapa of Sherp Leatherwork

Last Updated: October 24, 2020Tags: , , ,

I was on the hunt for some new straps and saw a recommendation for Sherp Leatherwork. I checked his straps out and saw some interesting designs I haven’t seen before so I thought I might give him a try. Afterwards, I had a chance to do a quick interview with the owner Igor Sharapa.

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Where did the name Sherp Leather Work come from?
My brand name is a slightly modified abbreviation of my surname (Ihor Sharapa).

What was your inspiration in setting up the company?
For several years, I have worked in a watch service and noticed that our clients are often faced with a problem of finding a strap that fits their watch (length, width, color, etc.). I started making custom straps for some clients when I realized that this can be a very interesting profession.

I have a creative approach to work, so I started making sketches and samples of new models. Many people liked it and so over time, it became my main job.

Why choose Etsy as the selling platform?
I chose Etsy after a long research. I traded on Ebay and some local marketplaces before, but Etsy turned out to be the most user-friendly and promising marketplace in terms of customer reach.

Where are your leather sourced from?
I use only proven natural leather from Italian and Ukrainian manufacturers.

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What are some of the challenges you encounter on a daily basis?
I do different things from leather such cardholders, bags, and belts. This includes all the cutting, sewing, marketing, sending, communication with the client, etc. However, since I am completely doing everything alone, I simply do not have enough time to implement all my ideas and projects.

Where do you see the company in 10 years time?
In the future, I dream to attract and interest my children in this line of work. This will give an opportunity to expand the development of this small but very interesting business.

Do you wear any watches? If so, what are they?
I don’t wear a watch which surprises everyone, but it’s true.

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I would like to thank Igor for answering my questions. All the images are taken from his Etsy shop here where you can also purchase his straps.

Watch this space for my review.